A relationship with a man in uniform can come with excitement, passion, and adventure. But this type of romance is definitely not for everyone. So if you’re wondering how to know if a military guy likes you or what do military guys look for in a girl or guy, read this before you get serious.

Compatibility: what do military guys look for in a girl

He swept you off your feet for sure, but what feels like love in the air can turn into toxic fumes pretty quickly if you aren’t prepared for what a relationship with a military man really is.

Like in most relationships, you’ll have to figure out if the two of you share similar values, life goals, etc. However, more importantly, can you see yourself fitting into the role of a military spouse?

Do a quick check on the things that you feel are important before you take the next big step.

Think longer term

Many wonder what attracts a military man, but the fact is that you have to go beyond what they find hot and think of what being with them means. Can you handle long distance? Will you be able to figure out holidays, birthdays, and more alone? Do you see yourself making communication work, especially when it can get patchy and inconsistent?

It’s very easy to get swept away in the moment, when their strength, charisma, and uniform can often end up blinding a person against the hard stuff. What do military guys look for in a girl or guy? Someone who’s sure of what they want.

Inner strength is sexy

And you’ll need a lot of it. Men in the military love taking care of their partners, but at the same time, they need people who are strong enough to not need any coddling. They can’t text back all the time or drop in to fix the faucet or take you out on a random shopping spree. When they are around, they may be the most present partners in the world, but when they’re at work, you will end up having to figure quite a few things out on your own. The question you have to ask is, are you up to the challenge, or does the idea of this type of life feel daunting?

The reality is that people who start with the question, “What do military guys look for in a girl or guy?” often end up wondering why it all feels so difficult.

No time for mind games

What attracts a military man is a partner who gives it to them straight. Imagine coming home after months on end only to have silent treatment and guessing games.

Clear communication is appreciated and often goes a long way towards ensuring the guy you picked doesn’t end up giving up on you. Drama isn’t really something that can fly or work if you’re looking to date a military man.

Understanding the signals

Some of us love the idea of being chased, but a man in uniform may not have the time to actually do it. It can end up feeling like they aren’t interested. The truth could be something as simple as terrible service where they have been stationed.

However, not everyone can handle feeling like they have been ghosted without any ghosting happening. Is this something you can see yourself putting up with? At times, not hearing back from the person you’re dating can be nerve wracking. Military men are attracted to women who are patient.

Not about you

Your military man may appear off or in a bad mood depending on where they have been deployed and what tours they have participated in. The work that they do is significantly harder than most jobs in the world. It’s hard not to take it personally when you’re getting in touch after what feels like forever, but you have to have enough empathy and compassion to know that it has nothing to do with you. The one thing that military guys look for in a girl or guy is someone who can understand that they might have rough days. It’s a much tougher ask than if you were dating someone who’s in marketing, that’s for sure.

There you have it, all of our answers to the question: what do military guys look for in a girl or guy? The truth is that any relationship you get into will come with its own set of challenges. It can take some getting used to, but once you get over the hard stuff, you’ll never regret choosing a man in uniform. You can read more about the things military men love and hate here.

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