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What Does DOB Mean?

Branch: British Army

Definition: So the term is actually a shortened version of the phrase “devoid of brain”. If you’re planning on using it when you talk, be sure to spell all three of the letters out instead of pronouncing it as one word, otherwise no one will understand what you’re saying. It’s a term used for someone who is in the armed forces and has very little brain power at their disposal. In the UK military, there’s a running joke that the army recruits dumb people. While the reality is that this isn’t true at all, there’s a lot of banter that goes on that easily uses terms like “DOB”. In the context of a relationship, the term “DOB” would be used for someone who doesn’t think things through or doesn’t really understand a problem.

Example one: He’s so DOB every single time I ask him to plan a date or pick up the slack at home. But when it comes to hanging out with his friends or gaming all day, he’s all hands on deck and seems to have an Einstein-level intellect. I swear, I don’t understand how he can so easily switch between the two. The only possibility is that this is weaponised incompetence and he’s doing this so that I’ll be forced to step in and take care of these things.

Example two: Bless her soul she tries really hard to stay in the conversation but once we start talking about cars her DOB moments just start to get higher and higher in frequency. I feel like instead of forcing herself to hang out with our group because of her boyfriend she should instead look for other friends who share more interests with her. It would be different if we were a regular group of friends but we are literally just a hobby club so each time the couple comes over all we do is talk about cars. It’s just sad really, even her boyfriend doesn’t seem to notice her discomfort.

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