It looks like England and France could be going to war again, although this time it will be over the G-spot.

France’s best-known gynaecologist, Sylvain Mimoun, says a recent study at Kings College London, which suggested the spot is a myth, is completely wrong and that it does exist.

Speaking to a gathering of gynaecologists in Paris, he stated that the British study shows a lack of respect for what women say and that people shouldn’t give up on finding it.

"The conclusions were completely erroneous because they were based solely on genetic observations. It is clear that in female sexuality there is a variability. It cannot be reduced to a yes or no or an on or off," he stated.

Meanwhile, fellow medic Odile Buisson went further, accusing those in London of adopting a totalitarian attitude.

Going in search of it could be good for soldiers’ health, with the Boston Medical Group claiming lots of sex reduces the chances of developing prostate cancer by as much as 30 per cent.

Posted by Jenny RichardsADNFCR-2867-ID-19587456-ADNFCR

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