We all use our instincts to assess whether it's going well with someone we're chatting to on an online dating site.

That said, when you first get into the world of online dating, you can find that your instincts are not yet so well practiced at the art of knowing quickly if a chat has that special spark.

This is actually good in a way, as it means you will be open minded and willing to give most people a bit of your time. Later you might find you're politely showing some messengers the virtual door a bit more quickly!

To help those new to the online dating world, and mainly for a bit of a laugh, here are ten signs that your online text-based convo is going well. Perhaps enough of these together could end up with you going on a date, or even the sound of wedding bells one day?!

1) They make you laugh

Yup, it's the classic. Chatting in text, it's often that bit trickier for some of us to convey humour. So if you're laughing out loud – LOLing, if you will – at what someone is saying to you in an online text (in a good way!) they obviously have a good sense of humour. That can be a really good sign that you'll get on.

2) You want to reply straight away

Dragging your heels, or anxious to send a message back straight away? Maybe you think they look attractive, but what they're saying isn't really grabbing your attention? It's still worth putting the effort in, but ask yourself why you're reading someone's message and not responding straight away – it could be that part of you knows this isn't working.

3) You want a fast reply!

Similar to the above, if you are desperate to hear back from someone online ASAP, it suggests you're really into their chat.

4) You're talking about something a bit different

Weather, holidays… there are lots of things most of us can shoot the breeze with with almost anyone about. But if you're talking about that one great episode of an obscure TV show you both love, or a place you've both visited at some point and had a great time, it could be the sign of a real connection!

5) You keep checking out their photos

Having a sneaky look at their profile pictures again? Yup, you're definitely into this one!

6) Those messages are getting longer…

Is there lots to say, and you're both writing essay-length replies to get it all in? Could be a good sign you'll have plenty to chat about if you end up going on a date!

7) You know where you'd like to take them for a date 

You can think of somewhere lovely you're sure they'd like if you did go on a date… Could be a good sign that you're both on the same level.

8) Kisses

Not IRL, we mean the 'Xx' sort! Some people throw these around copiously from the start, but sometimes if they've crept in it's a way of showing the other person you're being a bit affectionate with them. Maybe a subtle "I like you", even!

9) It's been a while

One top sign things might be going well: You've been chatting regularly for a long time – and loving it! At this point, if it's practical and you feel comfortable, a date (as always, somewhere safe and public) could be a good option to see whether your virtual affection works in the real world!

10) You're talking to your friends about them

Enthusiastically showing off that man's profile pic to your bff? Might mean things are going in the right direction with this one! ADNFCR-2867-ID-801744559-ADNFCR

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