The stepdad of a soldier who suffered injuries in Afghanistan has said he can’t thank the good people at the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen Families Association Forces Help enough for everything they’ve done for the boy.

Speaking to the York Press, Andrew Tripp said the charity has provided emotional support to private Ben Bainbridge and has helped organise accommodation for the family at Selly Oak hospital.

Mr Tripp wants the public to do their bit and help raise money for organisations like this, which do so much good work and don’t always get the credit they deserve.

"You don’t appreciate them until you need them. Without them it would have been so much harder. We appreciate the help from them so much," he told the newspaper.

Shaun Morrell, father of Liam, who was left paralysed after suffering injuries in Kenya, recently told that the Royal British Legion have given him and his family so much and deserve a big thank you.

Posted by Jenny Richards

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