When creating an online dating profile it is important to take some time to portray the best possible impression.

Relationships writer and author of Mid-Life Divorce and the Rebirth of Commitment Jim Duzak tells the Green Valley News he has some useful tips for those looking to make the most of this platform.

"An online profile is a form of salesmanship. What you're selling is yourself, or, more accurately, your best self," he states.

This means it is important not to lie about qualities or appearance, but perhaps choose to highlight them in the most favourable way.

Mr Duzak believes there is nothing wrong in choosing a particularly flattering picture to use on dating profiles, as individuals should feel confident about their own traits.

However, in an advice piece for the Daily Mirror, Coleen Nolan previously warned using a very old photograph might not be the best move, as this could deceive a potential love interest.

Posted by Samantha Thompson

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