We remember
A poppy is an acknowledgement of those who came before us and fought for our freedom and lost their lives doing it. #Neverforget is more than just words for us.


Poppies represent hope and peace
Poppies were found growing fast around graves around the time the First World War ended. They mark not just the end of war but the hope for a better future and a better way.


The Queen prefers 5
Queen Elizabeth has been seen wearing five poppies since 2016. Some say that she has chosen to do so to represent the five services active in the World Wars.

the queen wearing 5 poppies
Picture: Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

They help vets
During 1922, disabled former soldiers were put to work making poppies in factories. Several organisations have since continued making them to raise money to support former soldiers.

Line of Soldiers Walkin

Other countries wear them too
Apart from the UK, poppies are used in Canada, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand. The Royal British Legion sends around three million poppies to 120 different countries, including France, Germany, Sri Lanka, Cyprus and Spain.

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