If you're in a military family, there's probably a lot of misconceptions that you encounter every day. People don't seem to understand what it really means to be in the Forces or have a partner or parent who is. 

This can be particularly hard on kids, especially if you move around a lot, as they'll likely get asked the same questions constantly when other children find out that they have a parent or parents in the Armed Forces. 

While there are loads of benefits when it comes to raising kids in the Forces – some of which you can read about here – there are also some things patch brats are fed up of hearing. Here are just a few things they probably don't want people to keep saying to them:

You must speak so many languages!

Yes, there's a good chance that you've lived in a few different places over the years, but this doesn't automatically mean you know all the lingo. If you're living on base you may not need to learn another language, while you may not be in one place for long enough to start.

Trying to explain to people that just because you happened to live in another country doesn't necessarily mean you speak 12 different languages gets old after a while. 

You see your parent/parents at the weekends though right?

Not seeing your parent or parents who are in the Forces as much as other kids kind of comes with the territory and you don't need to be reminded that there is no guarantee of a weekend with them. 

However, you see your parents when they are on leave on when they are on base and you make the most of that time together. You may miss them when they aren't around, but you still get to talk and write to them.

How many schools have you been to this year?

Yes, some years may see you go to a couple of new schools, but it often isn't as many as people seem to think. In fact, you sometimes stay in the same place for a couple of years, so the only time you'd move school is when you start high school or college. 

There's no denying that you've probably been to more schools than the average kid, but it isn't as interesting as people seem to think.

I bet you've got loads of friends around the world

While you do meet a lot of people if you happen to move around, it can be hard to make friends if you're only in a place for a short amount of time. Luckily, the close community of the Armed Forces means there are plenty of families you hang out with, some of which end up in a lot of the same places as you over the years. 

Then there's the fact that you haven't necessarily lived abroad yet so you're friends may only be scattered across the UK. 

If you do move around a lot, it can be difficult to make friends that you'll stay in contact with, although social media does make it easier. Of course, it also means you may also always be the new kid, which is a challenge in itself and not one you want to be reminded about all the time.

What are some of the things you're sick of hearing when people find out you're from a military family?


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