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What Does Doby Mean?

Branch: Royal Marines/Royal Navy

Definition: This is a term which has to do with the military branch known for its aqua connection. Doby refers to washing something. You can also use the word to refer to someone taking a shower. The word has several longer forms, such as Doby dust, for example. The term originates from an Indian word and was picked up by the British Army in India back when the country was still ruled by the British. The original term is actually “dhobi”, which refers to someone who handles the laundry. Dhobis are supposed to be an entire profession across South Asia even today. In the context of military slang, the term is now used more in the Royal Navy than in the British Army, although some remnants may persist. Some people can also spell the word as Dobie or Dobi.

Example one:

“I don’t understand how that dude ends up doing all the dishes every time we get invited to dinner. We used to live together and you couldn’t convince him to touch the dishwasher. We once even offered to pay him and he refused. But now he’s dating and all I see is him obsessing over the dishes.”

“Yeah well, he’s got a new game. It’s called the Doby game. And it’s the sole reason all the ladies love him, including his current girlfriend. Since he so effortlessly settles into any and all Doby duties. If she presents him with dishes, he’s all in. If she mentions her laundry, he’s there to take care of it. Instead of it emasculating him, it ends up making him look like a caring, helpful partner. Guess what else he automatically gets Doby duty for? If you know what I mean. Happy times, my friend. He’s a genius.

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