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What Does Dipstick Mean?

Branch: All.

Definition: If you think this word is a cousin of the slang word “dipshit,” you aren’t far off. A dipstick is someone who is extremely useless. It’s been widely used in the military to tell people that they are being absolutely, horrendously stupid or idiotic. This is one UK military slang word that can basically crossover into regular language pretty easily. Not to be confused by the stick that’s used to check a car’s oil or male genitals (although some do argue a correlation between the dipstick’s dual meaning being connected).

A dipstick isn’t just a regular idiot, though. There is something more potent in their idiocy. They take things to another level when they irk those around them. We’re pretty sure you can already think of a few people who would qualify as dipsticks. We ourselves have a dipstick list that continues to grow longer each day!

Example one: Only a dipstick would take a call from their ex in front of someone they were dating. I wouldn’t blame his girlfriend for reacting the way she did. He’s been a dipstick for a long time when it comes to boundaries with his ex, and if he can’t get his head back in the game, then he may as well count two exes instead of one.

Example two: I’m not sure if that date went sideways by accident or not, because our dumb friend has a habit of acting like a dipstick when they are on a date with someone who they think is better looking or more accomplished than they are. It turns the whole thing into a gigantic mess, and their insecurities overshadow all the good qualities. If we’re being honest, only another dipstick would be able to understand and adjust to the craziness.

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