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What Does Dipped out/in Mean?

Branch: Royal Navy.

Definition: What does “dipped out” or “in” mean? In the Royal Navy, “dipping out” refers to missing something that should have remained in a person’s attention. Dipped in, on the other hand, doesn’t mean keeping something to attention; it has more to do with unexpectedly gaining something. In the context of relationships, dipped out can be used to refer to someone who is forgetful, and dipped in can be used to refer to someone who is unexpectedly on point with something that has to do with the relationship. Whether you are dipping out or dipping depends entirely on the activity that you are a part of, and sometimes it can even have to do with a little bit of luck.

Example one: It feels like we have been married a million years instead of dating just a few months. Ever since our schedules have stopped aligning, things have started to go wrong. I have been trying to get him to pay more attention ever since I got a new job. It doesn’t matter if I plan a date night or wear something he would like, he seems to dip out anytime it’s about romance. The man is a bore, and I wish I could break up with him.

Example two: It’s not much of a loss to me to cancel on a blind date. I hadn’t dipped in to begin with, so it’s okay if it all goes south. I think for the time being, I need to take a break from dating and tinder anyway!

There you have it, folks. Let us know what you think of the term, and tell us if there are other ways in which you use the words “dipped in” and “dipped out.” Hopefully, we weren’t dipping out and gave you a good explainer, but in case you didn’t get it, definitely get in touch!

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