A military reservist has decided to take on the Paras’ 10 challenge for the Parachute Regiment Charity. Daniel Collings, a physical training instructor from Stockton on Tees, will take on the infamous Paras’10, supposedly the ultimate 10 mile endurance race and is raising funds for a charity which states that it was “established to support soldiers of The Parachute Regiment and their families, as well as Airborne Forces members who need help.” The Paras’10 is a 10 mile endurance run raced over the actual route of the Parachute Regiment selection course and claims to be a “gruelling running course”. Just finishing the course is said to be tough, but on 6th July 2013 Daniel says “[he] will be attempting to complete Paras’ 10, over undulating terrain over the footsteps of past and present Paratroopers. For this 10 mile TAB (tactical advance to battle) I will be carrying 35lbs (excluding water), this will be weighed by officials before and after the 10 miles. I will aim to complete this challenge as fast as possible hoping to achieve 1hr 50min.” He is looking for all the support he can get so please donate on the following Justgiving page:- http://www.justgiving.com/DCollings-paras10

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