It has been an eventful and difficult year. Men and women in uniform have had to do more to keep people safe, and they have not only stepped up but done it in a way that makes us proud.

This is one of our favorite galleries to come out of any 2020 review. From the fight against Covid-19 to the intensity of the workouts that can be expected of alpha males that double as soldiers. Check out the full set of photos:

The Navy spent 17 days looking back at the year that’s gone with some of the most interesting and thought-provoking images.

This message is the right kind of energy to start the new year with. Theodore David Martin is a lieutenant general in the United States Army, who serves as the Deputy Commanding General and Chief of Staff of United States Army Training and Doctrine Command and we love the positive vibes he’s pushed out.

The Coast Guard reminded us all of the extremely busy and difficult year it has spent keeping everyone safe. Without their hard work there would be many crises that would have definitely worsened. They didn’t just help with the pandemic, they tackled a whole host of other problems, too.

The US Army Reserves had their own set of intense images to share.

The 5TH fleet put up the numbers on how the Navy helped fight Covid-19.

In some ways, 2020 has been a huge lesson for us all. We hope the next year will be a little easier for us all.

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