Nowadays, in a time when the modern technological era dominates so much of our lives, the romanticism and creativity of bygone days sometimes has the tendency to get lost by the wayside.

For example, in the olden days having a penpal was relatively common. There was something sentimental about avidly seeking out that long awaited letter from a penpal located in some faraway place that captured our imaginations.

All of that stuff now seems like something from a bygone era, and many of us are just not as well acquainted with such practices any more.

Indeed, who writes letters nowadays? In today's world, it's all about the Facebook updates, brief emails and iPads.

We're all so busy with our lives, with little time to spare, so who exactly has got the time – or indeed the inclination – to sit there and trot out a letter?

The idea of being a penpal and going back to the old fashioned way of reaching out to another person in such an intimate way is beyond the radar of many people.

But, what if the person on the other end of your letter was the love of your love? What if you could reach out to a modern day hero or knight in shining armour? 

The very real possibility of forming strong connections with an amazing person is one of the many reasons why thousands of people across the UK are keeping the time-honoured tradition of being a penpal alive.

Indeed, here are a few others:

Forming connections

Becoming a penpal is a wonderful way to stay connected to a person who you may never have gotten to meet otherwise. You get the opportunity to learn about them, they learn about you, and that helps you to form a lasting bond with that person.


The very idea of becoming a penpal is romantic in itself. The idea of waiting for that letter or email to drop into your inbox or through your door can be exhilarating. But what is even more thrilling is the possibility of that your penpal will one day become your other half.


Reaching out to someone who lives in a different part of the world can be hugely educational. It gives you the opportunity to learn a great deal about a different culture or way of life, by connecting to someone who is living that lifestyle.


By writing to someone in this way, you are expanding your circle of friends and have someone to confide in, and vice-versa. It is the type of friendship that could go on to last many, many years.

Supporting superheroes

Forces PenPals puts you in touch with men and women in the UK who have dedicated their lives to serving the country. By signing up to become a penpal you are not only helping to boost their morale, you are also forming a lasting connection with someone who may turn out to be the person you are looking for.ADNFCR-2867-ID-801796071-ADNFCR