To an extent, it is not always possible to have any control over the way another person feels about us.

However, there are some mistakes that crop up time and time again, which many guys fall into the trap of making. 

By avoiding these blunders, it is possible for your date – and ultimately your relationship – to go a lot more smoothly.

Below, we have listed some of the most common mistakes men make when it comes to a relationship.

Waiting for her to make the next move

The problem with this is the majority of women expect the man to make the next move. This is not always the case, but ultimately, if you do not signal your interest, there is a danger that she will assume you are not interested.

Being stingy

A lot of guys say 'why should I have to pay for the first date? If women want equality, they should pay for themselves, or even offer to pay for me'.

Yes, that all works very well in theory, but in practice, it is not likely to get you a woman anytime soon. Most women do not like a stingy guy, especially if they are of the more traditional type.

In short: don't be stingy. A guy shouldn't be expected to pay for everything, and if she doesn't at least offer to pay her share, or express a lot of gratitude when you do cough up the bill, then it is a good way to tell whether she is a keeper or not.

But if you don't even offer to buy her drink, she'll probably look elsewhere – even if she isn't a gold digger. 

After the first date, then naturally, you should let things even out a little bit, but gender roles are too ingrained to be too stingy on the first count.

It doesn't have to be expensive either – taking her on a picnic, heading to the local coffee shop, or buying a couple of drinks at the bar, will more than suffice.

If it doesn't, or if she expects a three-course meal at the Ritz – run!

Not having a plan

Even the most hardened feminists find it difficult to appreciate a man without a plan. 

This does not mean that you should be domineering, but certainly, you should have some idea of what you would like to do on a date – in case she doesn't.

Admitting you're nervous

This is flat out unattractive. If you admit you are nervous, the best thing that can happen is you will make the woman in question a bit more nervous as well.

So just keep it cool.

Being too arrogant

At the same time, most women do not like an arrogant guy. Actually, arrogance is a lack of confidence. Naturally confident men do not feel the need to overcompensate or 'prove' something.

Ultimately, it is about respect. For yourself and for your lady.

Coming out with cliches

Top lines to avoid: 'You have beautiful eyes' 'what is a beautiful girl like you doing single?' 'I really like you'.

Leave out the fake compliments – all but the most insecure women can spot them a mile off.

Instead, just let the conversation flow naturally.

Getting too close

Unless you want to be the subject of her next party story, you know, the one where she tells all her mates about that weirdo she dated that got a little too touchy-feely too soon, then it's best to wait until you known her a bit better.

Playing with a phone

This will just make her think you are not interested. In fact, it is a bad idea when you are meeting anyone, let alone when you are on a date, and many consider it rude.

Playing it too cool

While it is never good to jump into the deep end straight away, if you pretend that she is not important and seem disinterested, it is unlikely she will want to meet you again. 

Therefore, be sure to express your interest – but in a restrained and dignified way.ADNFCR-2867-ID-801788769-ADNFCR