Army penpals could find they develop a long-lasting friendship with those who they correspond with.

This was the case for Linda Moon from Euxton in the UK and Sharon Bailey from Canada, the Chorley Guardian reports.

They first wrote to each other 50 years ago, but found their relationship grew stronger after meeting 26 years later.

Ms Moon says: "It has developed into a precious friendship."

They now travel between the UK and Canada to see each other and their families, although they have not given up their correspondence.

The two ladies – now in their 60s – regularly communicate by letter and email.

Some people might even find such things develop into more than friendship, as was the case for US soldier Richard Allen and his future wife Marilyn, the Jackson Citizen Patriot recently reported.

The pair began writing to each other during World War II and went on to get married, the news source revealed.

Posted by Mark Wilkins