You get chatting to someone on an online dating site and then spend the next couple of weeks exchanging messages, giving out your phone number and telling them every little detail about your life.

Then it comes to meeting them in person and you realise that there is no attraction or you do not click – where did it all go wrong?

The trick to avoiding this scenario is to try and meet up with your match in the early stages, therefore saving a lot of time and effort attempting getting to know someone.

This will also help you separate out the timewasters who have no intention of going on a date, but who are instead happy sitting back and getting some attention via personal messages.

Remember to let a friend or relative know who you are meeting and where you are going, while it is always best to do something in a public place in case so that you can easily make an excuse and leave if they are not the person you thought they were.ADNFCR-2867-ID-801617653-ADNFCR