Army personnel have some of the toughest bodies in the world. They can withstand just about anything you throw at them – and they take a lot of effort.

A lot of us often wonder what the best way to get into shape is – the army way is possibly the only one you should really even consider. A typical army man or woman isn’t just staying fit to keep their physical strength in check, they’re doing it for mental agility too.

Plan it out

Before you do anything else, grab a planner and make sure you know how your week will play out. This isn’t just about going through the motions, it’s about a new mindset. Remember that you need to be persistent in your goals – it won’t make any difference if you are at it for two days and resting for three.

Training for strength

If you are thinking of heading to the gym give yourself a break. Soldiers do not train inside gyms, they do it in the great outdoors. You are aiming to pick on exercises that can exhaust your muscles and help you build strength and endurance. We love this short guide by Brian Bullman that explains how you can break down your weeks to focus on different elements of training.

Keeping the discipline

The reason members of the armed forces are able to keep up with their workouts is because of their discipline. You need to develop nerves of steel and make sure that you that you follow through. What works for army men and women is that they have a superior keeping them on their toes – so make sure you have someone who can keep you in check when you can’t do it for yourself.

Eating right

Members of the armed forces will typically not be caught eating a hamburger. Their meals are prepped in a way that makes sure that they are getting a good amount of nutrition. So, put away that donut and invest in food that is nutrition and filling. Think of it like creating your own person ration.

Keep it going

Once you hit your goal make sure you don’t call it quits. There are many diets or fitness regimes that deliver the results in a short amount of time and make people think that they can slack off. Once again, the consistency of an army man or woman is what you should look to aspire to. They don’t clock out when they take their uniform off – and that is how they stay in shape!