The British public have spoken: “Boaty McBoatface” they say!

A new polar explorer ship will be launched to explore the polar regions and The Natural Environment Research Council have urged people to name its ship in a competition. Little did they know the British public have a wicked sense of humour. Leading the poll by some margin is the name Boaty McBoatface!

Our Royal Navy crew will be pleased to hear that Lord West, ex-First Sea Lord, said he was rather proud “silly names” had been suggested but hoped none were chosen.

Other names which have done well in the poll were: RRS Pingu, RRS Usain Boat, RRS Its Bloody Cold Here, RRS What Iceberg, RRS Captain Haddock, RRS Big Shipinnit, RRS Science!!! and RRS Big Metal Floaty Thingy-thing.

Would you sail on her?