Army penpals who are meeting up with somebody for a first date must ensure they are honest and feel relaxed on the occasion.

The Independent suggests this can break the ice with the other person and make things feel a bit more natural, particularly if single soldiers admit to feeling slightly anxious about the date.

"There's no need to go into detail. A quick statement like 'I was a bit nervous on the way to meet you' will do," the publication suggests.

Once this is out of the way it can make the whole date flow a lot better and both parties should relax so they can enjoy it.

Ensuring plenty of time is spent listening as well as talking is also a good move, as the news source warns some people can come across as self obsessed if they constantly chatter without pausing to ask questions.

In order to secure the chance of a date, army penpals might consider updating their online profiles, as the Huffington Post recently suggested these should be seen as a CV.

Posted by Simon Williams