Observing the unwritten rules of dating can help to make a good impression on a date and improve your romance life.

For some people, dating comes naturally, whereas others have not been so lucky.

Of course, every relationship is different, and to some extent, the etiquette will vary depending upon the country you are in and the type of person you are dating.

If the chemistry between you and your dating partner is strong, the likelihood is that you will probably find some way to make it work between you both.

Below, we take a look at some of the main etiquette tips.

Don't get drunk

Getting drunk on your first date is never a good idea. The last thing you want to do is risk causing offence or saying something you will later come to regret.

If you know you can get a little crazy when you are drunk, then it is best to avoid the alcohol until you know each other better.

While many of us like to swap stories of what we did when we were drunk with our mates, it is unlikely to impress your date.


Swearing is another big no-no. Although it is rare that you will come across people who are prude about swearing, again, it is bad practice to do this the first time you meet someone.

It will just make you seem uncouth and can give someone the wrong idea about you.


Turning up late on your date is unlikely to score you any brownie points. The last thing you want to do is keep the other person waiting for you. 

It can come across as extremely disrespectful and could lead to the other person thinking that you are not taking the date seriously.

To avoid being late, you should leave extra time to get to wherever you have decided to meet.

If for some unavoidable reason you are going to be late, be sure to let the other person know in advance.

Making the first move

In most places across Europe, and indeed the world, men are usually the ones to make the first move.

However, there are other countries, such as Switzerland where women are the first to make a move.


It is always a good idea for men to pay for the first date. Subsequent dates can be worked out.

If you are a man, and you do pay, you must understand that there are no conditions attached or obligations on the part of the other person.

On the other hand, if you are a woman, it is important to be considerate and and offer to pay your half of the bill or buy the guy a drink, to show that you are not a gold digger.

Keep the politics out

Sometimes subjects such as politics and religion comes up on a first date. However, it is never a good idea to bring this up when you are just getting to know someone, as this can be a bit of a tricky area to venture into.

You do not want to risk creating an argument, or offending someone unwittingly if they turn out to have very strong opinions or different views from you.

Often, people put their preferences in terms of the type of political views a potential partner should have on their dating profile, however, the best approach is to be open minded and tolerant.

At worst, you should agree to disagree, as it is not uncommon for people to be able to enjoy a long and fulfilling relationship with someone who has different views from their own.

However, none of this should be brought up when you are first getting to know someone.ADNFCR-2867-ID-801789348-ADNFCR